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CDK Global Shutdown due to a cyber attack this effecting over 15,000 dealerships this morning. Employees at multiple car dealerships have also told us that CDK has not shared much information other than to send an email warning that they suffered a cyber incident. ... See MoreSee Less

CDK Global Shutdown due to a cyber attack this effecting over 15,000 dealerships this morning. Employees at multiple car dealerships have also told us that CDK has not shared much information other than to send an email warning that they suffered a cyber incident.

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At this time as CDK was bring system back online they experienced another Cyber Attack and systems have been shutdown again with not ETA on restoring of services this came from CDK last night

If the FBI was doing its job instead of trying to bring Trump down maybe the cyberattacks wouldn't happen so often if they were actually doing their job protecting our country the FBI is a corrupt joke!


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